Acknowledgements and Resources

Harvard Medical School

Dr. Dennis Poe, Harvard Medical School

The Department of Otolarynology at Harvard Medical School is making innovations and interactions in the medical field. I would like to thank Dr. Dennis Poe for supporting me in this journey and sharing his expertise on the several surgical options for underevlopment.

Ear Community

Ear Community

The Ear Community is another fantastic and extremely helpful resource for aural atresia microtia that I have partnered with. I would like to both thank and applaud them for doing such an amazing job in being a leader in raising awareness for both microtia and aural atresia.

University of Virginia, School of Medicine

Dr. Bradley Kesser

I would like to thank the University of Virginia and their otolaryngology department, with special regards to Dr. Bradley Kesser for sharing his personal experiences working with patients and for generously providing insight into the specificities of aural atresia surgery.

“Spend your time thinking of what you want. If in pain, change your focus if you can, if you can’t, take a nap. Take care of yourself before doing anything for anyone else. You are your most important asset and keeping yourself happy brings good things to you!”
Carmen Tarleton

Ms. Carmen was the first person in America to ever receive two full facial transplants (after her first one was unsuccessful), and I had the opportunity with speak to her during The 2020 Congress of Future Medical Leaders. Ms. Carmen, thank you for inspiring me through your personal journey, demonstrating that we all possess the ability to persevere through the adversities we have been dealt with. Her case was very extreme, and I share this with you because I know that by seeing how she overcame her challenges you will grasp the mental fortitude to do so as well, just as I did!

Aural Atresia



I would like to thank the Foundation for the Support of the United Nations (FSUN), via their sponsorship of the Impact Catalyst Foundation, for their support and encouragement in propelling this initiative.

Janet Salazar

Janet Salazar,
(President and Executive Chairman of FSUN, Chief and Permanent Representative to the UN, Permanent Observer to UN-ECOSOC)

I would like to thank Janet Salazar for continually inspiring the youth today in pursuing change and making a positive and lasting difference in this world.

“While I am only 16, I have seen the world change in the short time I’ve been around for both better and for worse. I feel as though the mainstream attitude is somewhat disconnected from one very important issue; and that is to simply help one another. Hope is more visible when people help each other. This belief and conviction is the driving force behind my dedication to create and lead the projects ‘Support for Aural Atresia’ and ‘A Virtual Hug is a Heartbeat Away.'”

Lucas Anmolsingh

(Youth Representative to the United Nations)

“To Lucas and the youth of today: You are young, dynamic, and well-informed – with instant access to tremendous information downloadable at massive volume and lightning fast speed. You have the undeniable ability to bring about change. So never be afraid to go forward in pursuit of your ideals. Never. FSUN is proud to support young leaders and change-makers like Lucas, whose passion to make a difference and to make life better for others are a continued source of hope for mankind.”

Janet Salazar

President and Executive Chairman of FSUN, Chief and Permanent Representative to the UN, Permanent Observer to UN-ECOSOC)

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