
Ear Reconstruction
Support for Aural Atresiaf

If it has been medically determined that a full reconstruction of the ear canal is not ideal for your situation, don’t give up; thanks to modern technology there are several possible alternatives. With a dysfunctional middle ear, most of these options require some form of implant or outer piece to be worn to allow sound vibrations to reach the inner ear, and may not require major surgery.

Dr. Dennis Poe

“Children and adults now have a number of options available to help bring hearing to their undeveloped ear due to recent technological advances. Ranging from bone conducting hearing aids, to implantable hearing devices, to surgical reconstruction, consultation with a specialist team can help to determine the best choices for every unique individual.”

Dr. Dennis Poe, MD, PhD 

Department of Otolaryngology and Communication Enhancement – Professor of Otolaryngology, Harvard Medical School 

Alternatives to Reconstructive Surgery

(as found during my research)

Bone Conduction Hearing Aid

Bone Conduction Hearing Aid

In most cases this option does not require any surgical implant(s). A metallic piece is worn either as an ear piece or head device (a head band etc.). This device transmits sound vibrations to the skull which are picked up by the inner ear and then sent to the inner ear’s cochlea, which is then able to pick up that sound via vibrations. This hearing aid leads to better hearing and is attached to the outside of your ear or on a head piece.


Bone Anchored Hearing Aid (BAHA)

Like the name suggests, this option involves a direct sound processor implant of a hearing device to the skeletal bone. This implant allows for vibrations to pass directly to the cochlea of the inner ear without the need for a functioning middle or outer ear because the sound vibrations are transferred from the outside world to the bone implant, and finally to the inner ear. This is one of the simplest and most recommended alternatives by medical officials due to its high tendency to effectively improve hearing while not being too conspicuous.

Bonebridge Hearing System

Bonebridge Hearing System

A small audio processor is connected magnetically to a receptor implant in the skull area near your temporal bone. Similar to the bone anchored hearing aid, this alternative bypasses any non-functioning middle ear parts. The audio processor picks up sound vibrations and transforms them into readable transmissions that the implant can then transport in the form of vibrations to the cochlea. This option can be used for both bilateral and unilateral hearing loss. The amazing thing about this system is that it actually picks up sound from both directions, so it improves your directional recognition abilities.

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